Wednesday, May 27, 2009

This Post is Long Overdue

Wow - it has been too long. Things have just seemed so hectic this year! Now that I am not working I finally had time to post some photos from the past few (ok, actually several) months.

Brayden is doing great -- getting bigger every day. Hard to believe he is over 19 months old now. It is fascinating how much he changes on a daily basis. I think in the past week his vocabulary has doubled. He picks up words so quickly. Momma, Daddy, airplane, car, juice, more, NO (that's a favorite), waa waa (water) to name a few. He has such a personality - I feel like we are cracking up at him all of the time. Right now he is really into cars - any kind of car - he wants it. Also, he is into lining things up one by one. Cars, wood blocks, etc. he will line them up on the coffee table and then move them (one by one!) to another spot in the house. He is meticulous about it and if one of us tries to touch anything he gets very upset. Is he picking up Ryan's organizational skills??? :)

I am enjoying the summer having Brayden full time again. Still looking for a job. Ryan is now full into the summer soccer season getting his teams ready for Regionals and Nationals. We are looking forward to going to South Carolina at the end of the summer with our friends Andrea and Caleb and their little boy Colin. Can't wait for a week at the beach!

So here are several pics to enjoy -- they start with the most recent. Next post will be sooner - I hope :)

Memorial Day Parade

Popsicle Time - he loved it but it was a mess.

Here is an example of lining his cars up....
Bed Head - just got up from a nap...

Too many cars to choose from - so overwhelming...
Got into the toilet paper...

Easter morning

Got into Mommy's Necklaces

I love this picture - so precious...
Day at Arboretum

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


My tenure with the Tutankhamun exhibition ended this past weekend. The show went out with a bang as we were sold out from Friday until Sunday evening. In the 34 hours we were open (yes that included the overnight hours!) it never slowed down. The final numbers were about 47,000 people came through the exhibit in three days. Overall we had well over 600,000 come through the entire run. WOW!

The past 8 months have been challenging and fun and I enjoyed it immensely. I worked with so many amazing people and created many friendships. I will miss everyone very much. It really felt like we were all family by the time it was all said and done.

So now I am back to looking for a job but while on the job hunt I am looking forward to spending more time with Brayden and Ryan, enjoying the summer sun, and hopefully catching up with friends and family.

I posted a photo above of the Tut crew. As you can see it was a great bunch!