We made the trip down to Fair Park today to check out the Children's Aquarium that just recently opened after finishing renovations. It was great! They remodeled all of the inside, updating their aquarium areas and adding some cool fish and ocean creatures. They had a lot of interactive features as well. They also have an outdoor area that they call Stingray Bay where you can actually pet baby stingrays and a huge tank with various species of sharks and huge sting rays for you to look at. That part was fantastic - Brayden thought so too.
The Dallas World Aquarium is very cool downtown but it's expensive and so large that it's a bit overwhelming for little children so I think this aquarium is perfect. They have just enough cool things to see and the admission price is much less - which is great. Ryan got to go too, which made it even better. Nanny came too! So we had a great Saturday morning. Here are some pics:

Albino crocodiles


Love his face here!

He was trying to read the panel :) Very into it.

Red king crab

Sea turtle - there was a fish that was riding on his belly

Had to get a photo to prove I was there :)