Wednesday, June 25, 2008


It's hard to believe Brayden is now 8 months old. I was looking back at old pictures and came across one from Christmas when he was 2 months old. It's amazing how much difference 6 months makes. He looks so different today! He has grown so much. Anyways, I posted them below. Happy 8 months Mr. Man!

2 months old - Christmas
8 months old!!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Happy Summer!

Hope everyone is having a great summer so far. Things have been crazy with us. Ryan has been busy getting ready for Regional and National tournaments and is in Raleigh, North Carolina at Regionals now. We miss you!!! I have started a program with Region 10 to get my teacher's certificate so I have been quite busy myself in addition to taking care of the little guy.

My best friend Jenn had a baby boy on June 14th! Travis Wesley Dawkins is finally here! Congratulations Jenn and Ken. He is absolutely beautiful and we are so thrilled for the arrival of their bundle of joy. He came a bit early but is home now happy and healthy. Little Travis will be playing with Brayden soon!

BRAYDEN TURNS 8 MONTHS OLD ON WEDNESDAY! I posted some photos of the past month below:

Pictures outside Memorial Day weekend. This is his first time sitting in the grass - he wasn't so sure about it...
This was also a bad teething day so as you can see from the pictures he isn't in the best of moods. He humored me.
He loves to dive into the toy basket. He is pretty good at entertaining himself - which makes it easier for me sometimes!
Spending time with Daddy on Father's Day.
Rather than wear the hat.....
I'd rather chew on it.
In the jumper... he has figured out the flash on the camera so whenever I take his picture he always squints. It's been hard to get a photo with his eyes open lately. He's a smart one!
Relaxing on the couch.
Pulling myself up!
Playing in my toy basket.
POOL TIME!!! I am more interested in chewing on my sunscreen stick than playing in the pool.
Splash, splash!
Attempt at a Mommy and Me pic - didn't quite work so well. I cracked up when I saw it.
This is fun - I could get used to this!
Playing with his stuffed animals before bathtime. He was more interested in trying to touch the night light.
This is a piece of furniture that my sweet sister-in-law refinished for Brayden's room. We just got it from her last week! Isn't it fabulous? It looks great in his room. The cool thing about the actual piece is that it was my mom's armoire when she was a baby! Thank you Aunt Rachel (and Uncle Randy too) !! We love it.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Scoot, Scoot! It's a Cat!!!

Brayden and I went over to Dad and Jackie's this afternoon after naptime for a visit. Brayden has started noticing the cats. It was cracking us up because he could not stop laughing at Cat (that's her name really, Cat)and kept scooting all over the den to get a chance to touch her. Once he would touch her he would just start giggling. I am excited to see that he might have a love for animals (sorry Daddy!). Anyways, I took a quick video of him and had to post it (it's not the best quality but hopefully you get the idea). As you can see while watching he is almost crawling! He scoots and scoots all over the place. Also, he stops and sits up every once in a while. This is a new development this week. Pretty cute!