Saturday, March 24, 2012

Cooper and His Little League Opening Ceremonies

Today we went to my nephew's little league opening ceremonies at Winfrey Point near White Rock Lake. The day was beautiful! It was great to support Coop and it was my brother's birthday so nice to spend time with him on his special day.

Stars Game!

Last Tuesday we went to the Stars game. Ryan got free tickets from the Dallas Morning News for being a loyal subscriber if you can believe that! The fantastic part is we get there and we were three rows behind glass. So cool! Brayden had fun. Was a little overwhelmed by noise but we had a good time.

Date Night

Ryan and I got to finally celebrate our 6 year anniversary last weekend. We went to Del Frisco's Grille for dinner which was fabulous and then after for a few drinks at Bar Belmont. The view of downtown Dallas at the Belmont was awesome - such a cool place to go. We had a great time.


A few weeks ago we got Brayden an aquarium for his room. He loves going to the aquarium at Fair Park and had been asking for a fish. We went to pet store with the intention of getting a goldfish and a bowl and walked out with a 10 gallon fish tank and 6 fish.. It's actually really cool and surprisingly low maintenance. So 6 new fish are now part of our family.