Monday, January 28, 2008

Milestone Monday

Happy Monday to everyone. Due to the weather being miserable here today in Dallas - chilly, cloudy, foggy - Brayden and I stayed in the house all day. Ryan was home too because, well - he works from home. :) We had a good day because we finally were victorious in a battle we had been fighting for a few weeks now. As some of you read last week we have been having trouble with Brayden wanting to take a bottle. After hearing lots of advice on what to do from friends & family, reading numerous parent message boards online and various how-to baby books, a phone call to the pediatrician, and a trip to Babies R Us to buy several types of bottles we really felt like we had tried everything. I kept hearing about this one type of bottle called the Adiri Natural Nurser - there are only two places in Dallas that sell them and when I called the places here to see if they had any they were out of stock. There was even a waiting list at one place! Since these particular bottles seemed to be in high demand I figured they must work, right? I had to have one. Luckily I could get them online. They finally got here last Friday. Ryan tried to give him a bottle today and guess what?!?!?! He TOOK it. A whole 2 ounces. Yeah! Ryan said he thought that he probably would've eaten more but we only had been trying a few ounces at a time to keep from wasting milk. I couldn't believe how excited I was! It's amazing how the smallest milestone can make you so proud of your baby. For all of you mothers out there - if you ever run into the same problem - please try this bottle. I highly recommend it. We still have a way to go - one day of taking the bottle doesn't mean he will take it tomorrow. But I am hopeful!


Tootle Family said...

That's a huge win...especially for mommy! Nice work Julie. I've said it before on my blog, but seriously, their milestones are our milestones.

What a great sense of freedom you must feel!

sarah said...

Hi Julie,

I'm Sarah, one of the three moms who run Adiri. We just want to say we are so pleased that the Adiri Natural Nurser worked for you, and we hope it continues to! If you ever have questions please contact me at
