Thursday, May 22, 2008


Brayden turns 7 months on Sunday. It is really hard to believe. We feel like he is changing on a daily basis. He seems to reach a new milestone each day! Here are some he achieved this month:

  • eating solid food: loves carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, YoBaby vanilla yogurt; hates anything green and cereal (not that I blame him - it looks like wallpaper paste -- we need to try oatmeal I guess)
  • can sit in high chair
  • sitting up all on his own (teeters a little)
  • got his new big boy car seat - out of the infant carrier (yeah! my back is relieved)
  • can sit in grocery cart seat
  • wants to crawl; all he does now while on the floor is get on all fours - but just rocks back and forth - not going forward yet but he will be soon! I have mixed emotions on this one. I don't think I am ready to chase him around yet. We made a run to Babies R Us this week to get babyproofing supplies.
It's been fun watching him change so much. I wish we could slow it down. Time seems to be flying by. His personality is really showing. He has such a sweet disposition (like me) but he can be quite stubborn and very head strong at times (wonder where that comes from?:) His constant smiling is contagious and always puts us in a good mood.

Here are some pics from the month:
Mother's Day brunch with Nana - cousin Cooper was there too!
Getting sugar from Nana.
Sweet photo of Mommy and Brayden.
The best shot I could get of the cousins. They were tuckered out from brunch.
Not so sure about peas and cereal. Yuck.
Playing with Nanny on the floor.
Yummy! I love carrots!
Hanging out in the sun.
Relaxing with Nanny.
Almost crawling!
I love sitting up! It's so much better than laying on my back all of the time.
Okay Momma - I am tired. Ready for my bath! See you at 8 months!

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