Monday, July 25, 2011

Playroom Renovation

So for months now I have been wanting to organize Brayden's playroom. He has so many toys and they were always strewn all over the floor, in no order whatsoever, and we haven't been really strict about him cleaning up after himself. I finally decided it was high time we get some kind of order to it pronto before Mommy pulls her hair out :)

This is the BEFORE photo - total disaster....

This was us in the process of cleaning up and sorting through things, vacuuming, etc.

Voila! AFTER! We got the Expedit series bookcase at Ikea -- love the cubby holes; they provide so much storage. Everything is finally off the floor.
Larger view: There seems to be so much more open space and more room for him to play in.

The white baskets are from Ikea. The wire mesh baskets we found at Container store. They each hold so many toys. I love how it turned out. Its amazing how a bookcase can conform and organize a room. Now I just want to add some fun children's art to jazz it up a little...but coming soon. One thing at a time... :)

Oh! and last night Brayden even put his cars away in his mesh basket before bed. Woo hoo! So far so good.


courtney said...

yay!! it looks so good! i'm in the midst of re-doing/organizing our playroom, too. i CAN'T STAND for toys to be out all over the floor!

Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} said...

S000000 cute! What a great room!

Trip and Nicole said...

WOW... it looks amazing! I need to come over and see it in person sometime this week.